Leon AmstutzBroadcast Services Consulting Engineer, SonSet Solutions
Leon is serving with SonSet Solutions in Elkhart, IN as a Broadcast Services consulting engineer. He previously served with the Innovative Education International ministry in Liberia as a technology specialist, where he developed the original concept and prototype for IEI’s SmartBox “computer lab in a trunk” system. Before that, he spent 15 years at Taylor University, where he helped establish the computer information systems program at Taylor’s Fort Wayne campus. In 2006, he was offered a position on the Taylor University Upland campus, where he served as the Academic Technology Specialist, designing and implementing classroom and computer lab technology. Dr. Amstutz also taught in the Computer Science and Engineering Physics departments until retiring from Taylor in 2015.
He has degrees in Bible, broadcast engineering, communications sciences, information technology and telecommunications engineering, and holds multiple industry certifications. Leon has years of experience working with radio and television stations, and also in the defense communications industry, mission field, and non-profit organizations.
Leon and his wife Anne served as missionaries with Radio Lumiere in Haiti in the 1980’s. Leon has continued to help support that radio ministry as a volunteer consultant for over 30 years, making dozens of trips to Haiti during his vacation times.
As a full-time supported missionary engineer, he now helps provide technical services to other broadcast ministries who partner with SonSet Solutions to spread the Gospel worldwide.
Dorinda Beeley
Dorinda Beeley started serving in missions technology in 2002 and eventually met her husband, Greg, at the ICCM Conference. She now serves alongside Greg at LightSys Technology Services and chases their three small boys when not (or while) connecting techies with missions opportunities.
Greg Beeley
Greg Beeley is president and co-founder of LightSys Technology Services. He’s a Christian, a worshiper, a visionary, and a techie, ever seeking new and creative uses for his computer technology skills, particularly in software & networking systems and in computer security.
Carl Daudt
Carl Daudt, employed as Systems Analyst with Taylor University, serves the ICCM 2018 Americas Conference as Platform Chair. He and his wife, Judy support missions through technology and technology related missions, adoption of college aged missionary kids, and commitment to long term relationships with missionaries and the mission community. Carl and Judy served for over eleven years as advisors for the Mu Kappa student organization at Taylor University, an organization for missionary kids in college. Carl is a geophysicist by training, and has maintained connections with international students since his graduate school days. Carl first attended ICCM in 2001 at the JAARS facility in Waxhaw, NC.
Steve Elwood
Steve was born at a young age, and grew up the son of missionaries to Eastern Europe. He met his wife, Rachel, while they were both students at Taylor University, and they have two children, Katie (5) and Josh (3). Steve worked for an educational non-profit for five years, before heading back to his Alma Mater, where he serves as Director of Enterprise Infrastructure. In his current role, he directs teams responsible for Security, Network, Server, Telecommunications, and Cable TV, and also represents the IT department in all campus construction projects.
Caroline Francis
Caroline is currently working as a consultant for a company specializing in testing software. She’s worked on a variety of environments from the mainframe to mobile devices. This will be her 5th ICCM. She’s been assisting Tim with scheduling the speakers for the sessions.
Tony Fugere
Tony Fugere is a technology consulting services practice lead at Accenture focusing on the ServiceNow platform. His leadership role in software consulting consists of managing a team of account executives who are responsible for selling Accenture’s implementation and consulting services around the platform with delivery oversight for the growth of services and overall success with the client. He has an extensive delivery, training/speaking and technical background web applications and server administration with a fondness for realizing efficiencies through systems automation and process streamlining. He attended his first ICCM in 2018 as the Lord has begun to open a path of exploring a role in missions.
Courtney Hicks
Courtney Hicks is a graduate from the CyberWatch West headquarters, Whatcom Community College, and continued his education to get his bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems Security at Western Washington University. He is one of the first graduates of both these programs and came out with a rich knowledge in applied security controls. His favorite portion of security deals with proactive forensics and how to balance both security and confidentiality, integrity, and availability within a given situation. Some of Courtney’s favorite technology to work with is Linux, FreeBSD (learning other BSDs), filesystems, web applications, and a new interest in Python programming. He feels that the Lord has truly blessed him with many opportunities in his life to serve Him, in having the opportunity to serve working and serving with X31 Technologies, serving on the Serve & Equip board of directors with David Moore, and getting to be a part of this great community, working to the glory of God and serving His kingdom.
Jason Maas
Jason worked for IBM briefly as a software developer before becoming a Geek for God at DiscipleMakers college student ministry in Pennsylvania 15 years ago. He is a “jack of all trades, master of none” sysadmin, tech support provider, and amateur software developer. He loves Linux on servers, Apple end user devices, and seeing more disciples of Jesus being made. He has attended ICCM as often as possible over the past decade. Jason is married and has three children, two of them teenagers. He’s also an elder of his church.
Howard Owsley
Howard Owsley first started writing software as a teenager in the late 70s as a hobby and then professionally in the early 90s. He has primarily written software with major defense contractors in the areas of Satellite ground systems, logistics and maintenance systems, and engineering control systems. He has had a calling in his life for sometime to use his God given gifts in IT for Christ and is currently raising support to be a full-time staff member at LightSys.
Mark Polhamus
Mark has spent the majority of his career in Technology Management, as Consultant to Management and as a contract Project Manager. He loves the challenge of walking into a new engagement, learning about the challenges, and leading the teams to success. Mark’s graduate degree is in Software Engineering and he has functioned in many of the technology roles, from programmer through manger and into the C-suite. Mark is the father of three and the husband of one; the whole family is engaged in various outdoor activities and travel. Mark is passionate about the power and authority of the Word of God and enjoys mentoring activities centered around Scripture. In his spare time, he often teaches and lectures on technology, project management and faith topics.
TJ Renninger
TJ Renninger works for DiscipleMakers in their Systems department. He is a 2016 grad of Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania with a degree in Software Engineering. His role mostly consists of back-end development using python, web app development, and general IT support. He loves leading students in worship nights each Sunday during the semester, were they read through a Psalm and respond in singing.
Eric Straw
Eric holds several important sounding titles, but he is most fond of the title of Learner. He has been a learner at Corban University since 2002 where he has led learning communities focused on computer science and information systems. Eric’s PhD research focused on knowledge acquisition. Eric has been serving the missions community since 2008 through Mark 5 Ministries. M5M meets computing technology needs of missionaries. Eric has served and conducted workshops and seminars in Africa, Europe, Asia, and South America. Eric and Margie have been married for 33 years. They have four children and four grandchildren. Eric highly recommends grandparenthood.
Rob TaylorAction International Ministries (ACTION)
Website: www.actioninternational.org/taylor

Rob Taylor has served with ACTION for over 10 years. His first ICCM was 2007 just prior to joining ACTION. He has attended a number of ICCMs including helping with the first ICCM Europe in 2009. For Rob, ICCM has been a true tech and missions conference and a good time to reboot with fellow techies; not just to learn new things, but for quality fellowship. Rob and his wife, Catherine, focus on tech support from the USA office, English to Spanish translation and editing services, and children’s ministry in Latin America. The ACTION Computer & Technical Services – ACTS – is a unique support ministry Rob does for the mission. He is the USA IT Director among many other roles. Rob has become a multifaceted computer technician. He handles questions from office staff, maintains the email systems, keeps the network equipment running, implements upgrades to the computer systems, and supports the missionaries abroad remotely. He is also available to travel to the missionaries on the field and help in person if needed. When Rob is not tinkering with computers, he is back stage of a puppet stage. He loves to teach children the Bible using hand puppets.

Deana Thompson
Deana Thompson, wife of Craig and homeschool mother of six, has a passion for God’s Word as well as an enthusiasm for healthy eating. She enjoys teaching the Bible through flannelgraph to children of all ages. Her attention to detail is seen as she does editorial work on books and manuscripts. She bakes bread with freshly ground wheat and cooks meals using whole foods. She and her family live on a small farm, where they milk goats, keep honeybees, and plant herb and vegetable gardens.
Kevin Weaver
Kevin Weaver has more than seventeen years of prior experience as a Windows network engineer. He typically assists a few dozen ministries every year, some on site and some remotely. His key skills are with Windows Servers, Active Directory, Exchange Servers, server hardware and firewalls. He also has management experience via time in the Army and later leading a small IT team at the mission Crossworld. He has led sessions at almost every ICCM in the U.S. since 2006, including a two-day workshop on Windows Server. He also teaches the Bible and theology in various settings.
David WhiteLinux Systems Engineer
David is a Linux Systems Engineer at EPB, a local ISP in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is also the founder of Develop CENTS, a website services company, where he provides web hosting and website maintenance. As an infrastructure engineer, he has extensive experience building, monitoring and maintaining linux systems, web hosting infrastructure, small business networks, and Synology NAS deployments. To view slides from some of David’s previous sessions from ICCM and other events, visit https://developcents.com/knowledge-base/#past-workshops.
Tim Young
Tim Young has been in missions IT for many years. As a field consultant with LightSys Technology Services, he has worked with over 100 ministries in 15 countries. Tim loves Linux, but does most of his work in a Windows world. He has been a part of ICCM for over eighteen years, and is currently helping head up the team planting the ICCM-Africa conference.