Registration Now Open!

Register by April 16th for a 25% off discount.  Regular registration will be from April 17 – May 31st.

Commuters may register after May 31st, but will need to provide their own meals. Commuter Registration ends June 15th

Register Here
Conference Options Cost
(US Dollars)
On-site Attendee, private room guaranteed $460
On-site Attendee, 2-person room acceptable $400
On-site Family Member $175
Commuter (meals only) $325

Workshops (must also register & pay for early arrival) Cost
(US Dollars)
One Day (four listed) $15

Early Arrival Cost
(US Dollars)
Early Arrival, private room guaranteed, each day $70
Early Arrival, 2-person room acceptable, each day $50
Early Arrival, spouse, each day $50
Early Arrival, Commuter (meals only), each day $35
Airport Shuttle  (more details here) Cost
(US Dollars)
Airport Shuttle, one-way $30
Airport Shuttle, two-way $60

Discounts (deducted after Early Bird discount) Amount
Missio Nexus Membership (per conference attendee, not family)* $25
Bring your own linens (per person) $25

Register early to get the most from your ICCM conference experience!

After May 31st, registration is only open for commuters who will be responsible for their own meals and accommodations. Like all other attendees, commuters must register online in advance of the conference (preferably by June 15). Please contact us with specific questions.

*Since the possibility of Missio Nexus membership is restricted in part by ministry type and location, we will accept membership in similar professional/collaborative organizations as well.