Registration is now open!

Register by May 1st for a 25% off discount.  Regular registration will be from May 2 – June 20th.

Register Now!
Conference Options (before discounts) Cost
(US Dollars)
Early Bird Cost
On-site Attendee, private bathroom $460 $351.25
On-site Attendee, shared bathroom $400 $306.25
On-site Family Member $175 $137.50
Commuter (meals only) $330 $247.50

Workshops (must also register & pay for early arrival) Cost
(US Dollars)
Early Bird Cost
One Day

Current Workshops are:

  • Help-A-Thon
  • Cybersecurity
  • AI
  • Bible Study
  • Gaming
$15 $11.25

Early Arrival Cost
(US Dollars)
Early Bird Cost
Early Arrival, private room guaranteed, each day $70 $52.50
Early Arrival, 2-person room acceptable, each day $50 $37.50
Early Arrival, spouse, each day $50 $37.50
Early Arrival, Commuter (meals only), each day $35 $26.25
Airport Shuttle  (more details here) Cost
(US Dollars)
Airport Shuttle, one-way $30
Airport Shuttle, two-way $60

Discounts (deducted after Early Bird discount) Amount
Missio Nexus Membership (per conference attendee, not family)* $25
Bring your own linens (per person) $25

Register early to get the most from your ICCM conference experience!

All attendees must register online. Please contact us with specific questions.

*Since the possibility of Missio Nexus membership is restricted in part by ministry type and location, we will accept membership in similar professional/collaborative organizations as well.