Real-world Microsoft 365 Solutions for Non-Profits

Becky Bertram, the owner of Savvy Technical Solutions, will walk through real-world examples of solutions she has built for non-profits, which utilize Microsoft 365 and the Power Platform to maximize their impact.

Expand Your Impact with Microsoft 365 Copilot

In this session, we will discuss the capabilities of Microsoft’s new AI companion, called Microsoft 365 Copilot, and how it can be used to expand the capabilities of each member of your team. We will also discuss the security requirements for rolling it out.

Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems

Machine learning offers a powerful toolkit for building useful complex prediction systems quickly. It is common to incur massive ongoing maintenance costs in real-world ML systems. In this session, we will explore several ML-specific risk factors to account for in system design.

Unique Features of JavaScript

Assuming one already knows how to program using a typical programming language, we will take a look at some of the notable features of JavaScript that work differently (both good and bad). This will hopefully enable a developer to quickly pick up JavaScript and use some of its advance features while avoiding some of its pitfalls.

MVP & Prototype your way into a project

Let’s talk about how you can leverage Prototypes & MVPs towards gaining time, increasing your manager’s confidence on your ideas and insights, and increasing your technical team’s confidence when starting a new project, a new feature or rebuilding a system

Rapid App Development with Nuxt + Supabase + Vercel

An interactive session where we will learn how to rapidly develop and deploy web apps using Nuxt3 (Javascript) for both the frontend and backend, Supabase (Postgres database with Nuxt3 integration) as the database and user management, and Vercel for deployment. We will also try to tackle user permissions and single sign-on.

The Heart of a Techie: Wrestling with Rejection and Praise

As creative and gifted servants, we techies often face both high praise and painful rejection from others. It might be about our work, or about us as people; or, perhaps more often, it’s just plain tough to tell the difference. We can become addicted to praise or on the other hand suffer deeply from rejection, to the extent that our particular ministry role or even our sense of calling is jeopardized. Let’s talk through these tough topics, including some sage advice from scripture and from authors such as Bob Sorge, Rita Springer, and Andrew Murray.

Pray First, Troubleshoot Second, Celebrate Third

The number one rule with technology is that, at some point, it will inevitably break or not work properly. This is a benefit for most of us and provides excellent job security for us. Far too often though, it is too easy for us to rely on our own knowledge and skills. We also know that our ancient foe opposes us and the work that we do. These two realities can be a dangerous combination for our ministries. Let’s take some time to discuss the importance of beginning our work in conversation with the Lord, and only then moving on to the technical details. Due to the never ending nature of our work, we don’t always take time to celebrate successes or victories, but just as important as seeking the Lord beforehand is praising him after. We may have time to share testimonies of how the Lord has answered prayers involving technology.

Neurodiversity, Technology and Faith

Monotropism: what is it? Who has it? Liability or Super Power
This session will essentially be a discussion of monotropism from a Tech angle and how that affects abilities – both good and bad.
This session will also delve into a discussion of faith, technology and monotropism and how a faith journey can be affected.

API Security — What You Really Need to Know

An overview of technologies for securing APIs. Trying to research this topic on the web often results in outdated information and confusing and often conflicting terminology. This session will attempt to provide an overview of the terminology, reconciling the different technologies so you can make adequate comparisons and confident decisions. This talk is probably more appropriate for system administrators and managers than development staff.

Government resources to help you, and dealing with an unfriendly government on the field.

The United States government has numerous cybersecurity resources available to help protect your data when traveling overseas. The government in the country you are visiting has numerous resources that they may use to violate your privacy. Learn how to utilize friendly resources and overcome efforts by a far-more-heavily funded adversarial government in your host country without violating any local laws.

How to protect computers and electronic equipment from electrical power conditions

Power conditions for those that we support aren’t always ideal. In this session we will talk about grounding, surge protection, and power backup systems

Sessions listed are subject to change.