ICCM 2013 – Collaboration
June 10-14, 2013
Taylor University, Upland Indiana (right down the street from Ivanhoe’s)
ICCM 2013’s theme is collaboration – how to cooperate and better serve as part of a team, part of a mission, and part of the body of Christ. The answer involves how we design systems, how we treat and respect one another, and how we depend on the Holy Spirit. As techies, we have a reputation for being weak in the soft skills. This is a huge opportunity for God’s grace to be sufficient in our weakness. So, while we’ll still polish our coding skills and get up speed on the latest technologies, we’ll also work on understanding the bigger picture and improving our collaboration skills so we can better serve one another as we serve our God.
Euler Science Building!
We’re in for a treat. All of ICCM – the general sessions and the break out sessions will all be held in Taylor’s new Euler science building. Less walking, new air-conditioning, more comfortable seating, better sound, wohoo!
- When Twittering about ICCM please use #ICCMUS as the hash tag.
- Join the ICCM Facebook Fan Page.
- Welcome from T.R Knight, Host of ICCM 2013!
Chuck Boudreau, Compassion International, Colorado Springs
Why is Collaborating in Ministry (Still) So Hard in a Digitally Connected Age?
Kevin Weaver, LightSys
When Collaboration is Painful
David Housholder, Interserve USA, Marietta, Georgia
Worship Keynote: Building from the Root
Bram & Wouter, Open Doors, Harderwijk, Netherlands
General Session: The State of Mission Security
Andy Sturt, Compassion International, Colorado Springs
Special Drama: A compelling unique one-man interactive drama presentation from scripture (with a Cockney rhyme)
(Monday Pre-con)
David Rhoades, Maven Security Consulting Inc.
HandsOn Remote Testing for Common Web Application Security Threats
Mark Johnson and other CIM staff, CIM, Denver, Colorado
Office 365 as a Ministry Collaboration Tool
Paul Nielsen, Microsoft MVP, Ministry Weaver, inc, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Developing Data-Centric Applications with Visual Studio, WPF, C#, ADO.NET and SQL Server using the MVVP paradigm
Conference Tracks
Technology 1 & 2 – There are 2 Tech Tracks this year. The Tech Track sessions will help you expand your expertise and implementation of a variety of technology. You will benefit from the field experience of these session leaders.
Mobile – With the onslaught of mobile computing / services and the proliferation of BYOD this track has gone from being a Theme track to being a main track.
Security – Over the years, security has continually become a bigger and bigger issue. As a result, this track is also becoming a main track (at least for this year).
Theme Track – Collaboration: This year’s theme track is Collaboration. Collaboration has been a buzz word for several years. This year we are going to take a look at how technology can affect / improve Collaboration when used to build the Kingdom of God. Different speakers will discuss both inter departmental and inter organizational collaboration and what tools they use.
Leadership – This year you will notice that there is no specific Leadership Track. With 5 other tracks, we’re going to take Leadership in a slightly different direction and have it as a collaborative track. In other words, different aspects of Leadership will be addressed in each of the tracks in specific sessions.
What’s New this Year?
Introductions (from 1 to 4)
This year we’re trying an experiment with how we do with introductions. Instead of the first evening one-minute introductions, we’ll have four focused introductions:
- Everyone will be a part of a group of 20-25 people. These groups will meet three times to get to know one another in the group.
- To meet others with similar technical interest, before Break-out session #2, 15 minutes is dedicated for introductions.
- Thursday’s lunch will have tables dedicated to different technical and missions topics. At these tables you meet others with similar interests.
- During Monday evening, each ministry present will be introduced as a group and every break-out presenter will have a minute or two to introduce their session.
When you register (or you can update after you register), please fill in the Directory Questions. This will make it easier for people to find you based on your skills and interests.
Open Sessions
The final time block for the break-out sessions (Thursday 5pm) are being kept open until the week of the conference for:
- New ideas that come up during the conference (like the Windows 8 session last year)
- Overflow time for a session that could have used more time
- A repeated popular session
ICCM Reports
During the Banquet program, the other ICCMs (Euro, Down Under, and African) are given time to present an update of their ICCMs.
First Timer Coaches
ICCM regulars who volunteer can be paired up with first timers to help them get the most out of ICCM.
What’s the Same This Year?
- Worship time
- Devotions
- Prayer pals
- BoFs
- Ivanhoe’s
- Prayer and Share time
- What’s Hot What’s Not
- 20 breakout sessions
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Popcorn Social
- Shuttle Vans
- Gaming
- Badge Ribbons
- Great Taylor Food