Pre-Conference Workshops
Title | Presenter | Additional Cost |
SQL Server Workshop | Paul Nielsen | $45 (includes $25 for early arrival) |
Enjoy Drupal: Site Building Basics | David Needham | $45 (includes $25 for early arrival) |
Conference Session Titles
Concepts of Security Presnted by: Kevin Weaver Tags:Security |
Introduction to Moodle Presented by: Joshua Goodwin Tags:Moodle, Online E-Learning, Training, CMS |
Helping Your Users Make Their Case (or Discover Their Folly) Presented by: Ron Hane Tags: Leadership |
Surviving a Migration to Google Apps Richard Ingram Tags: Leadership |
Everything You Know About Mobile Is… Presented by: Antoine Wright Tags: Mobile |
Influential Mobile Ministry Projects of the Past Year Presented by: Antoine Wright Tags: Mobile |
Mobile Apps for Missions Presented by: John Edmiston Tags: Mobile |
Rasberry PI and LTSP for ICafes and/Computer Centers Presented by: John Edmiston Tags: Server, Thin Client |
Technology and Temptation Presented by: John Edmiston Tags: Spiritual Growth |
Technology and the End Times Presenter: John Edmiston Tags:Spiritual Growth |
Software Development Proverbs Presented by: Paul Nielsen Tags: Programming |
Database Performance Presented by: Paul Nielsen Tags: Database |
Hardening your SQL Server Presented by: Paul Nielsen Tags: Database |
UX/UI Presented by: Paul Nielsen Tags: Programming |
The MAC Session Facilitated by: Paul Nielsen Tags: Mac, Open Discussion Special Note: This has moved to a BoF, and will not be a session. |
Security Incidents and Responses Facilitated by: David White Tags: Security, Open Discussion |
Introduction to Computer Security Presented by: David White Tags: Security |
What is Drupal? Presented by: David Needham Tags: Drupal, Websites |
Building a Role-Based security environment in Active Directory Presented by: Dave Crim Tags: Windows, Servers |
Linux Servers and Applications Presented by: Ben Woods Tags: Linux, Servers |
Extreme Differences – Working with Cross-Cultural Teams Presented by: Roy Campbell Tags: Culture, Leadership, Virtual Teams/td> |
How to Successfully Perform an Information Systems Risk Assessment – Using OCTAVE Allegro Presented by: Corey Keating Tags: Security |
What a technician needs to know when dealing with end users Presented by: David & Linda Householder Tags: |
Information Technology, Cross Cultural Ministry & the Poor Presented by: Andrew Sears |
Surviving a Migration to Office 365 Presented by: Ed Eby, Leon Hedding & John Huschka – Leon & John presenting Remotely Tags: |
Session Descriptions
Concept of Security (Presented by: Kevin Weaver)
This session is intended to be a guided discussion about handling a common response we get in IT: “We don’t need all of this IT security. You need to learn to trust God.” This often comes in an environment where the very person talking supports requiring missionaries to have sufficient funding to participate in insurance and other financial SECURITY measures. We want to better understand what is the underlying cause(s) of the other person’s inconsistency. We also want to discuss the Biblical mandate for exercising good stewardship and for taking reasonable steps to increase the safety of other people. The goal is to identify ways to get the other person past attempting to derail the conversation about IT security. Instead, we want them talking about the real costs and benefits of possible IT security methods.
Introduction to Moodle (Presented by: Joshua Goodwin)
User and course management, including observations on hosting and service providers.
Helping Your Users Make Their Case (or Discover Their Folly) (Presented by: Ron Hane)
Not all projects are worth doing and some are more valuable than others. Which ones have the most ministry return? Teach your staff a simple way to prepare a cost benefit analysis. Their best ideas bubble to the top, you waste less time and your ministry improves.
Security Incidences and Responses (Facilitated by: David White)
Back by popular demand, this session will be a round table discussion for attendees to talk about security incidents they and/or their team has dealt with, and how and why they responded in the ways they did. All stories (and helpful advice) are welcome. Come ready to interact, share your story, and ask questions. (This is not a lecture, and there will be no PPT slides).
Mobile Apps for Missions (Web Apps + Android Apps) (Presented by: John Edmiston)
How to design and deploy mobile apps for missions, requirements, risks, strategic potential.
Everything You Know About Mobile Is… (Presented by: Antoine Wright)
Each year, we see ministries merge into using mobile for ministry. Here are a few projects from the past year worth examining.
Influential Mobile Ministry Projects of the Past Year (Presented by: Antoine Wright)
Each year, we see ministries merge into using mobile for ministry. Here are a few projects from the past year worth examining.
Raspberry Pi and LTSP Setup for Icafes/Computer Centers (Presented by: John Edmiston)
Technology and Temptation (Presented by: John Edmiston)
Technology and the End Times (Presented by: John Edmiston)
Software Development Proverbs (Presented by: Paul Nielsen)
Database Performance (Presented by: Paul Nielsen)
Hardening your SQL Server (Presented by: Paul Nielsen)
UX/UI (Presented by: Paul Nielsen)
The MAC Session (Facilitated by: Paul Nielsen)
Note: This has moved to a BoF, and will not be a session.
Computer security is a big deal. In this session, we will discuss introductory concepts, two-factor authentication, strong passwords, public-key cryptography, why you should NOT use PGP for email, and data encryption. This session will be introductory in nature.
Linux Servers and Applications (Presented by: Ben Woods)
This introductory Linux session will cover setup, configuration and administration of Linux servers. Some of the included topics will be user administration, traditional permissions, ACL’s, LAMP stack configuration, Samba configuration, log management, reporting, and whatever else someone comes up with during the Q and A time!
What a technician needs to know when dealing with end users (Presented by: David & Linda Householder)
Description coming soon
Extreme Differences – Working with Cross-Cultural Teams (Presented by: Roy Campbell)
We’re going to take a look at several cultural differences (specifically between Africa and North America) and examine ways to overcome those differences and grow a strong productive team.
How to Successfully Perform an Information Systems Risk Assessment – Using OCTAVE Allegro (Presented by: Corey Keating)
An information system (IS) risk assessment is an important part of any successful security management strategy. Risk assessments help organizations to identify mission critical IS assets and prioritize risk mitigation efforts. Many risk assessment methodologies, however, are complex and can only be completed successfully by highly qualified and experienced security experts. Small-sized organizations, due to their financial constraints and lack of IS security expertise, are challenged to conduct a risk assessment. Therefore, most small-sized organizations do not perform IS risk assessments, which leaves the institution’s data vulnerable to security incursions.
However, OCTAVE Allegro is a well-respected, yet streamlined, risk assessment methodology that can successfully be used by small-sized organizations and is available free of charge. OCTAVE Allegro has the ability to provide robust risk assessment results, with a relatively small investment in time and resources, even for those organizations that do not have risk management expertise. OCTAVE Allegro is fairly easy for IT staff to understand, provides the means for an organization to document the security requirements of their IS assets, helps to identify and evaluate IS security concerns, and provides an objective way to prioritize IS security projects.
Information Technology, Cross Cultural Ministry & the Poor (Presented by: Andrew Sears)
The majority of the world does not have the same access to resources as the middle-class Western church. How do we use technology to serve the “majority world”? This workshop will explore the low cost business models reaching the “bottom/base of the pyramid” that we might consider poor. It will also look at how to apply cross-cultural ministry principles to technology strategy. It will also explore the digital divide, knowledge divide and case studies of organizations that have used technology cross culturally and serving the poor. This workshop will build on TechMission’s 15 years of experience in using technology with the poor and present a summary of our Master’s level course on this topic.
Surviving a Migration to Office 365 (Presented by: Ed Eby, Leon Hedding & John Huschka – Leon & John presenting Remotely)
We will be discussing our different organization’s (WorldVenture and OM) move to Microsoft’s Office365. Office 365 E1 level is now being offered for free to non-profits, so this will be of interest to many missions organizations. We will discuss our experience with two migration strategies and the lessons learned from each option.