ICCM-US would like to acknowledge and thank the following companies who have contributed various wares to be given as prizes at ICCM-US 2014, please click on the respective logo for more info and a link to their website:
Pluralsight is the global leader in high-quality online training for hardcore developers and IT professionals. The revolutionary Pluralsight training library provides developers with instant access to a rich collection of online training courses delivered by industry authorities. See what you can learn at pluralsight.com and join the @pluralsight community on Twitter.
Ministry Weaver designs database solutions for missions and ministries. For more information please contact Paul Nielsen at pauln@ministryweaver.com
No Starch Press publishes the finest in geek entertainment. We focus on security, programming, open source, LEGO, and science and math. Our titles have personality and attitude, our authors are passionate about their subjects, and we read and edit every book that bears our name.
ICCM-US offers no other type of sponsorship for the conference, and the conditions for ICCM to accept the items is that the organization will be mentioned when the prize is awarded, and a link will be placed here on our website. No other advertising or promotion is granted.